Our Services

Our Services

Consilution offers companies – and in the first place SMEs – a fresh outside perspective on their logistics installations and processes.

Based on our proven experience and expertise, we provide new ideas and solutions that offer added value in terms of capacity, efficiency and costs.

Our approach is very hands-on:

during a short to medium period we flexibly put our expertise at the service of the customer,

always entirely in function of the project or optimization process to be realized.

Within our organization we focus on 4 pillars:

Logistics advice

Purchase guidance

Project implementation


The emphasis is mainly on supporting and servicing SMEs,

always with a highly practical no-nonsense mentality.

Logistics advice

Our broad experience in material handling enables us to offer our customers

solid independent advice on:

the (re)design and (re)equipment of both new and existing warehouses

the adaptation of internal logistics flows within warehousing and production

selecting and managing partners and solutions in the field of automation.

Purchase guidance

A successful infrastructure, installation or automation project starts with the choice of the right supplier.

Based on our knowledge of the sector, we assist our customers with:

drawing up good, practice-oriented tenders and project specifications

making an objective comparison between different proposals

selecting the best possible option from the solutions offered.

Project implementation & project management

Because we get to know your situation from A to Z,

we are usually ideally placed to guide you through the implementation of your project.

We can also unburden you in the implementation phase by:

taking over the project management

following up on suppliers and agreements

working towards implementation and delivery, step by step and within the set deadlines


Even after completion and delivery,

we can continue to monitor the quality of the project by reviewing :

what else can be adjusted

which additional requirements or new needs arise

which equipment or which procedures can be further optimized.